What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe

What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe: In the bustling realm of Starbucks, where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee weaves through the air, the Caffè Misto emerges as a comforting fusion of espresso and steamed milk.

Nestled within the extensive repertoire of Starbucks offerings, the Caffè Misto stands out as a beverage that marries the bold character of espresso with the velvety embrace of milk.

This article embarks on a journey to discover the nuanced artistry behind Starbucks’ Caffè Misto—from its inception to the delicate balance of flavors in each cup.

What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe:

Join us as we uncover the origins, delve into the preparation, and celebrate the sensory experience of this beloved Starbucks creation, a symphony of espresso and warmth that transcends the ordinary.

What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe
What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe

What is a Caffè Misto?

A Caffè Misto is a coffee beverage offered by Starbucks, blending the richness of brewed coffee with the comfort of steamed milk. This popular choice balances the robustness of coffee and the creamy texture imparted by adding milk. The term “Misto” is derived from the Italian word for “mixed” or “blended,” highlighting the combination of these two key elements.

What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe
What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe

Key features of a Caffè Misto include:

  1. Brewed Coffee Base: Unlike some espresso-centric drinks, a Caffè Misto starts with regular brewed coffee as its foundation.
  2. Steamed Milk: A generous portion of milk is added to the brewed coffee, creating a harmonious, robust, and smooth blend.
  3. Customization: Customers can customize their Caffè Misto by choosing the type of brewed coffee (e.g., Pike Place Roast) and adjusting the coffee to steamed milk ratio.
  4. Serving Size: It is typically served in various sizes, allowing customers to enjoy the comforting warmth of the drink in a size that suits their preferences.
  5. Versatility: The Caffè Misto is versatile and can be enjoyed plain or with added flavorings like syrups or spices according to individual taste.

Whether you’re seeking a familiar and satisfying cup of coffee or a customizable beverage that caters to your preferences, the Caffè Misto at Starbucks provides a delightful meeting point for coffee enthusiasts.

1. How Much Caffeine is in a Caffè Misto?

The amount of caffeine in a Caffè Misto from Starbucks can vary based on factors such as the type of brewed coffee used and the size of the beverage. However, as a general guideline, a Caffè Misto made with Starbucks’ Pike Place Roast, which is a medium-roast coffee commonly used for this drink, contains approximately 75 milligrams of caffeine in a tall (12 oz) size, 150 milligrams in a grande (16 oz) size, and 225 milligrams in a venti (20 oz) size.

It’s important to note that these are approximate values, and the actual caffeine content may vary based on specific circumstances, including regional variations and any modifications to the standard recipe. Additionally, if a different type of coffee is used, the caffeine content could be different.

2. Is a Caffè Misto Sweet?

A Caffè Misto from Starbucks is not inherently sweet as it combines brewed coffee and steamed milk. The drink’s sweetness largely depends on the type of brewed coffee used and whether any additional sweeteners or flavorings are added.

Starbucks typically serves its Caffè Misto with regular brewed coffee, and the sweetness will be minimal unless you add sugar, syrup, or another sweetener. Some customers prefer to customize their Caffè Misto with flavored syrups, like vanilla or caramel, which can introduce sweetness to the beverage.

In its standard form, a Caffè Misto is more about the balanced interplay between the bold coffee flavors and the creaminess of steamed milk rather than being a sweetened drink. If you enjoy a sweeter profile, you can personalize your Caffè Misto by adjusting the level of sweetness to suit your taste preferences.

How is Caffè Misto Different from Other Similar Drinks?

What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe
What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe

Caffè Misto vs. Flat White:

  • Caffè Misto: Combines brewed coffee with steamed milk, resulting in a balanced and comforting drink. It has a larger volume compared to espresso-based drinks.
  • Flat White: Features espresso with a small amount of velvety microfoam. The focus is on a strong coffee flavor with a smooth and creamy texture.

Caffè Misto vs. Cappuccino:

  • Caffè Misto: Brewed coffee mixed with steamed milk, offering a milder coffee flavor with a creamy texture. The percentage of coffee in milk is higher than in a cappuccino.
  • Cappuccino: Contains equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. It has a strong coffee flavor with a frothy and airy texture.

Caffè Misto vs. Latte:

  • Caffè Misto: Brewed coffee blended with steamed milk, resulting in a comforting and balanced drink. The emphasis is on the coffee-milk combination.
  • Latte: Made with a shot of espresso and a more significant amount of steamed milk, creating a creamier and milder coffee flavor. It has a thin layer of microfoam on top.

In summary, the key distinctions lie in the coffee-to-milk ratio, the presence of foam, and the overall flavor and texture profiles. The Caffè Misto is known for its comforting balance, while the Flat White, Cappuccino, and Latte each offer unique variations in coffee strength and milk texture.

Caffè Misto Nutritional Information:

What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe
What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe

Here’s an explanation of the nutritional information for one Grande (16 oz) Starbucks Caffè Misto:

  • Calories: 110
    • Calories from Fat: 35
  • Total Fat: 4g — 5% Daily Value (DV)
    • Saturated Fat: 2g — 10% DV
    • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Cholesterol: 15mg — 5% DV
  • Sodium: 100mg — 4% DV
  • Total Carbohydrates: 10g — 4% DV
    • Dietary Fiber: 0g
    • Sugars: 10g
  • Protein: 7g
  • Caffeine: 150mg

This information summarizes the key nutritional components, including calories, fats, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, sugars, protein, and caffeine. The percentages (% DV) indicate the contribution of these elements to the recommended daily intake based on a 2,000-calorie diet.

It’s worth noting that individual nutritional needs may vary, and this information is based on a standard preparation of a Grande Caffè Misto with 2% milk.

How Can I Make My Own Caffè Misto at Home?

What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe
What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe

Making a Caffè Misto at home is a straightforward process that requires brewed coffee and steamed milk. Here’s a simple recipe:


  • Freshly brewed coffee (about 1 cup)
  • Milk (whole milk, 2%, or your preferred type)
  • Optional: Sweetener or flavorings (sugar, syrup, vanilla, etc.)


  • Coffee maker or any preferred method for brewing coffee
  • Milk frother or steam wand
  • Mug


1. Brew Coffee:

    • Beverage a cup of your favorite coffee using your preferred method. The strength of the coffee is a personal preference, so adjust according to taste.

2. Steam the Milk:

    • Heat the desired amount of milk using a milk frother or a steam wand if you have an espresso machine. Aim for a velvety microfoam rather than large, airy bubbles. If you don’t have a frother, heat the milk on the stovetop and whisk it vigorously.

3. Combine Coffee and Milk:

    • Pour the brewed coffee into a mug.
    • Add the steamed milk to the coffee. You can change the ratio based on your preference—more milk for a creamier taste or less for a more robust coffee flavor.

4. Optional: Add Sweetener or Flavorings:

    • Add sweetener (sugar, honey, etc.) or flavorings (vanilla, caramel, etc.) to enhance the taste. Stir well to combine.

5. Enjoy:

    • Your homemade Caffè Misto is ready to be enjoyed! Sip and savor the comforting blend of coffee and steamed milk.


  • Experiment with different kinds of coffee beans to find your favorite flavor profile.
  • Adjust the coffee-to-milk ratio based on your taste preferences.
  • For an extra touch, sprinkle some cinnamon or cocoa on top.

Making a Caffè Misto at home allows you to customize it to your liking, and it’s a wonderful way to enjoy a comforting coffee beverage without leaving the comfort of your home.

Extra Tips to Make Caffè Misto at Home:

What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe
What is a Caffe Misto From Starbucks, and Easy DIY Recipe

Here are some additional tips to enhance your homemade Caffè Misto:

1. Choose Quality Coffee Beans:

    • Start with good-quality coffee beans. Experiment with different roasts and origins to find the flavor profile that you enjoy.

2. Grind Coffee Just Before Brewing:

    • Grind your coffee beans just before preparing to preserve the freshness and aroma. Use a medium grind for drip coffee.

3. Perfect Your Brew Strength:

    • Adjust the strength of your brewed coffee to your liking. If you prefer a bolder flavor, use a higher coffee-to-water ratio.

4. Temperature Matters:

    • Ensure that both your coffee and milk are served at a warm temperature. This contributes to a more enjoyable and comforting experience.

5. Use Fresh Milk:

    • Fresh milk enhances the overall taste. Choose whole milk for a creamier texture, or experiment with alternatives like almond, soy, or oat milk.

6. Invest in a Milk Frother:

    • A milk frother is suitable for creating that perfect velvety texture in your steamed milk. Electric frothers or manual hand-held frothers work well.

7. Experiment with Sweeteners:

    • Customize your Caffè Misto with sweeteners like sugar, honey, or flavored syrups. Adjust the sweetness level to your preference.

8. Add Flavors and Spices:

    • Elevate your drink by adding a dash of vanilla extract and a pinch of cocoa. These simple additions can bring layers of flavor.

9. Preheat Your Mug:

    • Warm your mug before pouring in the coffee. This helps maintain the temperature of your drink for a more extended period.

10. Practice Steaming Milk:

    • If using a steam wand, practice achieving the right amount of foam and heat for your milk. It may take a few tries to get the perfect texture.

11. Serve with a Side Treat:

    • Pair your Caffè Misto with a small treat like a biscotti or dark chocolate for an indulgent experience.

Remember, the beauty of making Caffè Misto at home is the ability to tailor it to your preferences. Feel free to experiment with different elements to create your perfect cup of comfort.


In the bustling world of Starbucks, where each cup tells a story of craftsmanship and creativity, the Caffè Misto stands as a testament to the art of balance. This harmonious blend of freshly brewed coffee and steamed milk has carved a niche in the hearts of coffee enthusiasts seeking a comforting and customizable experience.

As we conclude our exploration of the Starbucks Caffè Misto, we find a beverage that transcends the ordinary—a canvas of warmth where the richness of coffee converges with the velvety embrace of milk. Whether sipped on a busy morning commute or cradled in a quiet respite, the Caffè Misto embodies familiarity and indulgence.

Starbucks’ commitment to quality ingredients and the freedom to customize allows each Caffè Misto to be a unique expression. It’s not merely a coffee order; it’s an invitation to craft a drink that suits individual preferences.

In this convergence of tradition and modernity, Starbucks’ Caffè Misto remains a comforting companion, a steadfast classic in the ever-evolving landscape of coffee culture. So, raise your mug, savor the blend, and let the Caffè Misto be a reminder that there’s a moment worth savoring in every cup.


How much caffeine is in a Caffe Misto?

The caffeine content in a Caffè Misto at Starbucks can vary based on factors such as the type of coffee beans used and the size of the drink. However, as a general guideline, a Caffè Misto made with Starbucks’ Pike Place Roast, a medium-roast coffee commonly used for this drink, contains approximately:

  • Tall (12 oz): Around 75 mg of caffeine
  • Grande (16 oz): Around 150 mg of caffeine
  • Venti (20 oz): Around 225 mg of caffeine

These are approximate values, and the caffeine content may vary based on regional variations and any modifications to the standard recipe. The caffeine content could be different if a different type of coffee is used or if the customer requests modifications.

Does Starbucks Caffe Misto have sugar?

Starbucks’ Caffè Misto does not contain added sugar as a standard preparation. The basic recipe involves brewed coffee and steamed milk, allowing customers to customize their drinks by adding sugar or other sweeteners according to their preferences. It should be sugar-free if you order a plain Caffè Misto without any additional flavorings or sweeteners.

However, it’s essential to note that if you add sweetener-flavored syrups or use pre-sweetened milk alternatives, the sugar content will vary based on those additions. Always check with the barista if you have specific dietary preferences or restrictions, and feel free to customize your order to suit your taste and dietary needs.

Can I Customize the Caffè Misto with Different Milk Options?

Yes, you can customize the Caffè Misto with different milk options at Starbucks. Starbucks offers a range of milk choices, including whole milk, 2% milk, skim milk, and alternative milk options like soy, almond, and oat milk. You can choose the milk that best suits your taste preferences or dietary requirements.

When ordering, you can specify your preferred milk option to the barista. For example, you can say, “Can I have a Grande Caffè Misto with almond milk, please?” This customization allows you to enjoy the comforting blend of coffee and steamed milk while tailoring the beverage to your liking.

Remember that different milk options can impart distinct flavors and textures to the drink, so feel free to explore and find the combination that suits your taste preferences best.

What are the Best Caffè Misto Customizations?

Customizing your Caffè Misto at Starbucks allows you to tailor the drink to your tastes. Here are some popular and delightful customizations:

  1. Milk Choice:
    • Opt for your preferred milk type, such as whole milk, 2% milk, skim milk, almond milk, soy milk, or oat milk. Each milk option brings its unique flavor and texture to the Caffè Misto.
  2. Sweeteners:
    • Add sweeteners like sugar, honey, or flavored syrups to achieve the desired level of sweetness. Vanilla or caramel syrups can impart delicious flavor notes.
  3. Spices and Flavors:
    • Enhance your drink with a sprinkle of cinnamon, nutmeg, or cocoa for an extra layer of flavor. You can also experiment with flavored powders or extracts.
  4. Temperature:
    • Specify your preferred temperature, whether you like your Caffè Misto extra hot or at a milder warmth.
  5. Extra Foam:
    • If you enjoy a frothier texture, you can ask for extra foam on top. This addition gives the drink a cappuccino-like touch.
  6. Shot of Espresso:
    • For an additional kick, you can add a shot of espresso to your Caffè Misto, creating a more robust coffee flavor.
  7. Size:
    • Choose the size that suits your craving: Tall, Grande, or Venti. The larger the size, the more milk and coffee you’ll have in your drink.
  8. Iced Caffè Misto:
    • Enjoy your Caffè Misto over ice for a refreshing twist. This is a great option, especially during warmer weather.
  9. Flavored Milk Alternatives:
    • Explore unique flavors by choosing flavored milk alternatives, such as vanilla almond or sweetened coconut milk.

Customization is part of the Starbucks experience, and you can create a Caffè Misto that aligns perfectly with your taste preferences on any given day.










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